In this captivating collection, I meticulously crafted enchanting designs for 'Poster Tote' bags, collaborating closely with Tim Burton's esteemed team at Disney. Each illustration underwent a rigorous approval process to align seamlessly with Disney's high standards. I meticulously edited progress photos, refining individual pieces to perfection in collaboration with the Disney team, ensuring every element met its exacting criteria before the collection's unveiling.
Beyond the realm of illustration and meticulous closeout processes, I brought these creations to life through captivating social media content. I skillfully filmed and edited engaging videos to promote the collection, capturing its magic and allure. Additionally, I curated memorable event experiences, capturing the essence of our store gatherings in expertly crafted recap videos. These events welcomed customers to explore the collection firsthand, offering an exclusive opportunity to shop while enjoying enriching interactions and meet-and-greets with the passionate owners.

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